Sunday, August 3, 2014
Love Letter to JB: Happy 5th Birthday!
Dear JB,
You are a big boy now and we are so blessed to have you be apart of this family! You bring us joy, laughter, and happiness. You can also be an occasional "pain-in-the-you know what" but, hey, what kid isn't?
Anyway, read on, Papito. It gets better - I promise. :-)
Monday, June 23, 2014
Changing the World: Book Launch Party
Who would've thunk it? Certainly, not I.
Never in my wildest dream did I ever think that I would be writing about my daughter's book launch party but here I am today doing just that. It is truly amazing and a testament to how great God really is.
Read on and I'll tell you why...
Read on and I'll tell you why...
Saturday, May 31, 2014
May Service Challenge: Recap
I'm so late with this post but I want you to know that I'm committed to this project so, although I've been swamped with end of school activities like school dances and graduations, I did complete May's Service Challenge - I just haven't had time to blog about it. :-(
Here, take a look...
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Maya Angelou: 7 of My Favorite Maya Angelou Quotes
Today, as the world mourns her death, I reflect upon 7 of my favorite quotes that will live on in my heart and, undoubtedly, in the hearts of many others.
Maya Angelou
Maya Angelou quotes
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
May Service Challenge: Spring Cleaning Donation Drive
The beginning of a new month always excites me - new goals, new possibilities, and new ways to serve the Lord and His people.
Take a look to see what's in store for this month's service challenge...
Monday, May 5, 2014
April Service Challenge: Recap
The months are flying by and the days are flying by even faster. The month of April has passed us by and as I sit here and type this post, I find myself thinking about the cycle of life.
Read on and I'll tell you why...
Saturday, April 19, 2014
A Love Letter to My Son on His 14th Birthday
Wow...14 years old already, Papito! It's crazy how time flies. Today, on your birthday, I write you this letter as I reminisce on the past 14 years of your life...
Thursday, April 17, 2014
All You Need Is Love Project: My Favorite Love Quotes
This week's topic for the All You Need Is Love Project is about sharing your favorite "love" quote or, in my case, quotes.
First of all, I believe there are different kinds of love. There's the love you have for friends, family, your children, your significant other and yourself. In my opinion, these are all demonstrated in different ways and on different levels.
Nevertheless, the core meaning of love is to have a deep, passionate affection towards another person despite the type of relationship you may have with them.
In my search for quotes, I was able to narrow it down to 5. The first 3 support the general meaning of love while the last two, I think, are directed more towards your significant other. Then again, it may be all in the interpretation. Anyhow, they all touched my heart. Take a look and tell me what you think...
love quotes
Easter Sunday: 5 Fun Ways to Spend it With Your Kids
With that in mind and with only 3 days left before the Easter Holiday, I thought I'd share 5 fun ways to spend the day with your family and still honor God's story. Take a look...
Saturday, April 12, 2014
Thursday, April 10, 2014
All You Need is Love Project: An Ode to a True Friend
This week I join Shugar Love and the All You Need Is Love Project!
To give you a little background information, the All You Need Is Love Project is a project that was created by Mrs. Shugar to inspire more love on our planet. In an effort to do that, she's dedicated Thursdays to the All You Need is Love Project wherein she writes about love, post pictures about love on social media (using the hash-tag #allyouneedisloveproject), and shares with others her heart. She has invited the community of bloggers and non-bloggers to contribute to this movement directly or indirectly.
As such, because this project is in line with Six Little Osos' mission, I have decided to join in on the love revolution, too! So, going forward, you can expect to see a post every Thursday regarding a new love related topic as suggested by Mrs. Shugar.
This week's topic is true friendship - who would you consider your true friend and why that person defines your meaning of friendship.
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Birthday Gift Kit: Survive, Pamper, and Indulge Your Sweet Tooth
We just celebrated my mother's 61st birthday this past Sunday, April 6th. May God continue to bless her!
Now, I love her to death but she's a difficult person to shop for and I'm tired of getting her the same ole' traditional gifts that I usually get her like perfume and gift cards. I still needed to stay within budget, though. So this year I figured I step out the box and get a little creative with it...
Monday, April 7, 2014
My Writing Process: Blog Tour
Imagine my excitement when Kerry Connelly, over at Vibrancy Lives, asked me to be a part of the "My Writing Process Blog Tour!" I've only been blogging for a couple of months and don't have many "blogger friends" so, naturally, I jumped on the opportunity to be a part of this blog tour in hopes of making a couple of new ones. I also welcomed the opportunity to take an introspective look at my writing process because, honestly, I've never done so in the past.
But first, I did a little research to find out more about this blog tour. In doing so, I learn that it's essentially a fun way to introduce you to writers and authors from across different fields. Those writers are to answer a few questions about their writing process and then introduce you to three more writers who are to do the same the following week and on it goes. During my research, I was able to trace the tour back to September of last year but can't be sure when and where it initially started.
So, let's get started...
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
April Service Challenge: Forgiveness
Spring has sprung and April is officially here! That means that nicer weather is finally on the way! (that was the sound of the North East Region collectively letting out a sigh of relief)
More importantly though, this month is of great significance for Christians all around the world. The culmination of Lent (Holy Week) and the death (Good Friday) and resurrection of Jesus Christ (Easter) are all observed this month.
With that in mind, can you take a guess what this month's service challenge will be? Take a look...
Monday, March 31, 2014
March Service Challenge: Recap

And just like that, the month of March has passed us by. Today's the last day of March and I really hope you had a chance to join us in our Monthly Service Challenge this month. If not, no worries, there's always April's challenge!
In the meantime, however, I've realized that while I posted photos on our Instagram account showing an update of how we did with the challenge, it would probably be a good idea to do the same here on our blog.
For that reason, I've decided to do a "recap" at the end of each month sharing our story and how we did with the challenge for that month. So, without further ado, here is our first Service Challenge Recap...
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Sunday, March 16, 2014
St. Patrick's Day: Five Fun Ways to Spend it With Your Kids
Well, it's been a long time since I've gone to a St. Patrick's Day parade but I still want to be able to celebrate the holiday with my ositos from the comfort of our own home. To that end, I've come up with 5 fun ways you can spend St. Patrick's Day with your kids at home. Take a look...
Thursday, March 13, 2014
My New Journey: Youth Mentoring
I did it! I finally signed up to become a Mentor!
It's something I knew I would do as I got older, maybe in my 50's, but I had no idea I would do it this soon in life. It's amazing how God works sometimes though...
It's something I knew I would do as I got older, maybe in my 50's, but I had no idea I would do it this soon in life. It's amazing how God works sometimes though...
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
If I could have 3 wishes, they would be...
Random Fact No. 6 of the 52 Things My Ositos Should Know About Their Mami-Bear.
My first wish, of course, would be to have 3 more wishes but for the sake of specificity, I’ve chosen the following 3 wishes:
3 wishes
Saturday, March 8, 2014
Father Loses $80,000 Settlement Over Daughter's Facebook Post: 4 Things We Can All Learn From This Story
Mr. Snay had sued Gulliver Preparatory School for age discrimination after being fired from his position as Headmaster. The school and Mr. Snay came to an agreement wherein the school paid Mr. Snay's legal bills, $10,000 in back pay and an $80,000 settlement.
Not bad, right? Now, here's where the story goes left.
Current Events
life lessons
Monday, March 3, 2014
March Service Challenge: Read Across America
Today the nation celebrates the National Education Association's Read Across America Day, a nationwide reading celebration that takes place annually on Dr. Seuss's birthday. Children across the country participate in reading their favorite books, a multitude of fun activities and have guest speakers come in and read to them.
So, that being said, guess what this month's Monthly Service Challenge is going to be? Read on to find out....
Saturday, March 1, 2014
Monthly Service Challenge 2014
If you haven't, allow me to explain for a minute. The objective is to be challenged to take a photo everyday of a certain prompt (e.g. color, object, action, etc.) You must find whatever the prompt is asking for and photograph it. Simple, right?
Well, the Monthly Service Challenge is a slightly different take on this same concept. Read on and I'll tell you how so...
Friday, February 28, 2014
Monday, February 24, 2014
40 Reasons Why We Love You Drink & Snack Cake
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
EB's 1st Birthday: All Aboard The Love Boat!
All Aboard EB's Love Boat! That was the theme of my daughter's 1st birthday party this past weekend. See, here in New Jersey, we're trapped in a virtual freezer box with so much snow on the ground that your words literally freeze in the air the moment they come out of your mouth. So, the thought of being on a cruise ship in the middle of February seemed pretty enticing. It was also Valentine's Day weekend so I combined the two elements and waa-laa...The Love Boat is born! Think plenty of hearts and anchors. Take a look...
Saturday, February 15, 2014
EB's 1st Birthday: An Open Letter to My Baby Girl
Time sure does fly! Around this time last year, your Dad and I were preparing ourselves for your sweet arrival. I was so nervous worrying about how the delivery would go. I remember the medical staff laughing at me and then joking that I should be a "pro" at delivering babies because this was my fourth time around.
Friday, January 24, 2014
10 Things I Would Tell My 17 Year-Old Self, If I Could. (An Open Letter)
There's nothing like reminiscing through old pictures and taking a trip down memory lane. Oh, the memories! That's what I experienced as I tried to complete Random Fact No. 4 of the "52 Things My Ositos Should Know About Their Mami-Bear" Series. Why seventeen? Well, I'll be thirty-four this year and half of thirty-four is seventeen which marks the half way point of my existence on earth. So, in addition to listing 10 things I would like to tell my seventeen year-old self, I decided to pen an open letter as well.
Many influential people such as Oprah Winfrey, Stephen King and Tyler Perry did the same. Here's what I would say, if I could...
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Tracking Your Progress in 2014
New Year. New beginnings. New possibilities. So, now that all the New Year celebrations are out of the way, how are you managing with your goals so far? Are you still on track to attaining them or are they just a distant memory by now? As for me, if I'm being totally honest, it's a little bit of both. I'm on track with certain goals and I've fallen off the proverbial bandwagon with others. So much to do, so little time, I tell you!
For this reason, I've come up with a little something to help me stay on task and track my progress in different areas of my life (not reinventing the wheel, just customizing that bad boy to fit my life). Take a look.....
For this reason, I've come up with a little something to help me stay on task and track my progress in different areas of my life (not reinventing the wheel, just customizing that bad boy to fit my life). Take a look.....
Tracking sheets
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Fact No. 3: Describe Your Relationship with your Spouse
As a part of the "52 Things My Ositos Should Know About Their Mami-Bear" Series, here I tackle No. 3: Describe Your Relationship With Your Spouse.
Friday, January 3, 2014
35 By 35
There's nothing like a New Year and an action list to keep you going, right? So here's mine: 35 things I want to accomplish by the time I turn 35 (God willing). A bucket list, if you will. So, that gives me a little over a year and a half to run through this list. Will I keep you informed of how it's going? Duh, of course I will. Wish me luck!
goal setting
Life list
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