Helping Hands

Here, on our Helping Hands page, I'll share all things "Team Give Back." The smallest blessing can help change someone's outlook on life or, at the very least, brighten their day a bit.  My hope is that the postings on this page will inspire others to do the same in their lives and help spread a little more of God's Grace in this world.

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. - Aesop

May Service Challenge: Recap

May Service Challenge: Spring Cleaning Donation Drive

April Service Challenge: Recap

April Service Challenge: Forgiveness

March Service Challenge: Recap

My New Journey: Youth Mentoring

March Service Challenge: Read Across America

Monthly Service Challenge 2014

1st Annual Happy Child Happy Smile Toy Drive

Operation: Save The Trees and Fill A Need

‘Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.' (Mark 12:31).