Thursday, April 10, 2014

All You Need is Love Project: An Ode to a True Friend

This week I join Shugar Love and the All You Need Is Love Project

To give you a little background information, the All You Need Is Love Project is a project that was created by Mrs. Shugar to inspire more love on our planet. In an effort to do that, she's dedicated Thursdays to the All You Need is Love Project wherein she writes about love, post pictures about love on social media (using the hash-tag #allyouneedisloveproject), and shares with others her heart. She has invited the community of bloggers and non-bloggers to contribute to this movement directly or indirectly.

As such, because this project is in line with Six Little Osos' mission, I have decided to join in on the love revolution, too! So, going forward, you can expect to see a post every Thursday regarding a new love related topic as suggested by Mrs. Shugar.

This week's topic is true friendship - who would you consider your true friend and why that person defines your meaning of friendship.  

Let's start by defining friendship, first.  True friendship, to me, is the sharing of an inseparable bond with someone that is unconditional, supportive and non-judgmental. A person that has your best interest at heart and always has your back. Someone you can have fun with and be your complete self with. 

By internet standards, a best friend is the person closest to you, the first person you think about before making plans and the first person you go to when you need someone to talk to. 

By definition, both the internet's and mine, I would have to say that my husband, Daddy Oso, is my truest friend. He fits all the criteria. He knows when I am happy, he knows when I am sad, he knows if I've been bad or good...he's like my own personal Santa Clause for crying out loud!

I hate when we have arguments because I have to hold off on telling him things I would otherwise normally share with him. The love we have for each other, however, always seems to bring us back together. 

He brings out the best in me and he is my number one cheerleader. He watches all of my favorite shows with me and I watch all of his sport games with him. 

I truly enjoy being in his company whether we just stay in and watch a movie or go out for a night on the town.

Now, don't get me wrong, I think its important to value your girl-friend relationships as well and I do cherish the very few true ones that I have.  Ultimately, however, I think that Daddy Oso is the closest to me and the one that knows my very being. I thank God for him, and my true girl-friends, everyday.

Dear Daddy Osos, 

I love to love you, baby! I look forward to spending the rest of my life with you, for better or worse. Te amo!


  1. Love! My husband is also my best friend. I know he will always be there for me and I will do the same for him.
