Imagine my excitement when Kerry Connelly, over at Vibrancy Lives, asked me to be a part of the "My Writing Process Blog Tour!" I've only been blogging for a couple of months and don't have many "blogger friends" so, naturally, I jumped on the opportunity to be a part of this blog tour in hopes of making a couple of new ones. I also welcomed the opportunity to take an introspective look at my writing process because, honestly, I've never done so in the past.
But first, I did a little research to find out more about this blog tour. In doing so, I learn that it's essentially a fun way to introduce you to writers and authors from across different fields. Those writers are to answer a few questions about their writing process and then introduce you to three more writers who are to do the same the following week and on it goes. During my research, I was able to trace the tour back to September of last year but can't be sure when and where it initially started.
So, let's get started...
1. What am I working on?
At the moment, I'm working on settling into a set blogging schedule. Half the battle is coming up with new, meaningful content every week and the other half is finding the time to write. I find, however, that it's easiest just to write about my experiences with my family and whatever inspires me at the moment. Planning and scheduling your posts in advance is also a must.
In addition to that, I'm working on cultivating my Monthly Service Challenge project and getting it out there to the world in effort to inspire others to be of service. My hope is that if we become intentional about it, it will become second nature and we'll eventually begin to see the world differently. You have to start somewhere!
2. How does my work differ from others of its genre?
To be honest, I'm not sure that it does other than the fact that it's a reflection of who I am and the unique experiences I encounter in this world. Other than that, I'm just a regular ole' Mami speaking from the heart and sharing my hopes and dreams with the world. My work, however, is often laced with humor (or so I think), sarcasm and motivation. What a combination, right?
Better yet, how about intentionality, purpose, and a call for action...maybe that's what sets me apart.
3. Why do I write what I do?
I started this blog in an effort to document my family's lives and leave them with something they could reflect upon later in life. Legacy building, if you will.
I also set out to challenge myself and inspire others to live a life of service and one that is filled with purpose. I write with that goal in mind and would like to think that that purpose comes across in my writing. Living with a purpose, writing with a purpose. That's me!
4. How does my writing process work?
My writing process is pretty messy. It doesn't help that I'm always second guessing myself either. Because of this, it takes me a while before I'm actually comfortable enough to hit that "publish" button and release my work to the world.
To start, I dedicate a block of time, usually about an hour, to write down all of my thoughts as if I had a bad case of verbal diarrhea. Things are not in order but there all down on paper, for the most part. I then step away and come back to it at a later time. It becomes sort of like a jigsaw puzzle where I have to piece the parts together and/or add pieces to it. I step away again and then edit and re-read it a thousand times before I make myself sick over it and just hit the publish button and release it to the world. It's definitely a process but I guess it's my process and what works for me.
So, that pretty much sums up my writing process! Now, let me introduce you to the next writer on the blog tour:
Carmen a.k.a. Mrs. ShuGar
4. How does my writing process work?
My writing process is pretty messy. It doesn't help that I'm always second guessing myself either. Because of this, it takes me a while before I'm actually comfortable enough to hit that "publish" button and release my work to the world.
To start, I dedicate a block of time, usually about an hour, to write down all of my thoughts as if I had a bad case of verbal diarrhea. Things are not in order but there all down on paper, for the most part. I then step away and come back to it at a later time. It becomes sort of like a jigsaw puzzle where I have to piece the parts together and/or add pieces to it. I step away again and then edit and re-read it a thousand times before I make myself sick over it and just hit the publish button and release it to the world. It's definitely a process but I guess it's my process and what works for me.
So, that pretty much sums up my writing process! Now, let me introduce you to the next writer on the blog tour:
"ShuGar" is a nickname her and her husband use, which combines the first three letters of their last names. It's pronounced "sugar", but spelled S-H-U-G-A-R. She blogs about the Heart & all there is to Love. Turquoise rocks her world. Art is her passion. In another life, she was born as Lizzy Bennet and Mr. ShuGar was her Mr. Darcy. She hearts LA. She’s an indie film nerd. Fashion & writing feeds her soul. Her entire love story can be told through Beatles songs. Mr. ShuGar and their ShuGar Baby are her sunshine. To learn more about her, please visit Shugar Love.
**Carmen is currently taking some time off as she awaits the impending birth of her ShuGar Baby which is due any day now. As a result, she may not be able to write a follow-up to this post but that shouldn't stop you from checking out her awesome blog!
The other two bloggers I had in mind were not able to get back to me in time before publishing this post. As soon as I hear back from them, I will update my post to include them. :-)
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