Monday, December 2, 2013

Operation: Save the Trees and Fill a Need

About a month ago I received a note from JB's teacher asking parents for donations of copy paper. My first thought was: "I wonder if she'll accept recycled paper?"
My office throws away tons of those printer cover pages and I've always thought that was such a waste of paper. I figured my son's teacher could run copies on the blank side of it, use it as scrap paper and, because it's a Pre-K class, maybe even use the letters on the printed side for letter recognition.  So I wrote her a note explaining this to her and asked if she could make use of it. I got a response from her the next day stating that it would be of great help.

I ran the idea by my employer and they loved it.  Often times, teachers are left with the responsibility of paying for school supplies out-of-pocket so if recycling this paper could be of any use to them, then they were game. After getting the "go ahead," I set up two recycle bins next to each printer and sent an email to all the employees explaining the initiative and kindly asking for their participation in dumping their sheets in the recycling bin.

I collect all the paper at the end of the week, which is averaging about a ream a week, and donate it to my son's teacher the following Monday. I've already seen some of his homework sent home on these same sheets which means it's getting put to good use. Operation: Save the Trees and Fill a Need is a success!

Dear Ositos:

My favorite quote surrounding the topic of Philanthropy is by Aesop:

"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted." 

To that end, please know that no matter how small a gesture is, if it can help anyone else in any capacity then it's well worth the effort.  Did I save the world from imploding? No. But did I help a small Pre-School class fill a need that they had? Absolutely. So never be afraid to do a kind gesture no matter how small it may be. You never know the impact it can have on another individual. Now go forward, my little cubs, and save the world!

Con mucho amor,

Your Mami-Bear

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