Sunday, August 3, 2014

Love Letter to JB: Happy 5th Birthday!

Dear JB,

You are a big boy now and we are so blessed to have you be apart of this family! You bring us joy, laughter, and happiness.  You can also be an occasional "pain-in-the-you know what" but, hey, what kid isn't?

Anyway, read on, Papito.  It gets better - I promise. :-)

Monday, June 23, 2014

Changing the World: Book Launch Party

Who would've thunk it? Certainly, not I. 

Never in my wildest dream did I ever think that I would be writing about my daughter's book launch party but here I am today doing just that. It is truly amazing and a testament to how great God really is.

Read on and I'll tell you why...

Saturday, May 31, 2014

May Service Challenge: Recap

I'm so late with this post but I want you to know that I'm committed to this project so, although I've been swamped with end of school activities like school dances and graduations, I did complete May's Service Challenge - I just haven't had time to blog about it. :-(

Here, take a look...

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Maya Angelou: 7 of My Favorite Maya Angelou Quotes

Dr. Maya Angelou was, by far, one of the greatest writers of her time. Her words were so powerful and felt by many.

Today, as the world mourns her death, I reflect upon 7 of my favorite quotes that will live on in my heart and, undoubtedly, in the hearts of many others.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

May Service Challenge: Spring Cleaning Donation Drive

The beginning of a new month always excites me - new goals, new possibilities, and new ways to serve the Lord and His people.

Take a look to see what's in store for this month's service challenge...

Monday, May 5, 2014

April Service Challenge: Recap

The months are flying by and the days are flying by even faster. The month of April has passed us by and as I sit here and type this post, I find myself thinking about the cycle of life.

Read on and I'll tell you why...

Saturday, April 19, 2014

A Love Letter to My Son on His 14th Birthday

Wow...14 years old already, Papito! It's crazy how time flies. Today, on your birthday, I write you this letter as I reminisce on the past 14 years of your life...