Tuesday, November 12, 2013

20 Random Facts About Me!

Keeping with the Series: 52 Things My Ositos Should Know About Thier Mami-Bear, I've finally managed to compile a list of 20 random facts I want my little ositos to know about their Mami-Bear. So, here it goes.....

Dear Ositos,

While some of these random facts may seem trivial to you and some of them you've already been witnessed to, like Random Fact #1 and #9, my hope is that they will all make more sense to you as you grow older. Memories of some of the random facts I've shared will make you laugh. I hope that some of the other facts will inspire you, like Random Fact #3. Number 13 is pretty cool considering I was named after a flower. If you ask me, I think that is God's fingerprint stamped right on me!

Any how, I hope you've learned something new about your Mami Bear!

Los amo mucho,

Tu Mami-Bear

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