Monday, November 18, 2013

JB's 4th Jawsome Birthday

Last summer we celebrated my son's 4th birthday by having a Shark-themed pool party in our yard. Truth be told, it rained on the original scheduled date so we had to postpone it until the following day. Oh well, life happens! We ended up having it on a Sunday. The weather was great, we had great company, and a overall great time. Like my oldest daughter, JB is a Summer Baby so the options for celebrating their birthdays are endless.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Love Letter to Baby Bear: 9 Month Milestone

Dear EB, 

I can't believe that just nine months ago we were sharing the same body! You were the last baby to use my belly as an incubator and as I reflect on the time that has gone by way too quickly,  I begin to realize that this is the last time I get to enjoy the ups and downs of raising a beautiful little baby. I'm not going to lie, that makes me really sad. You would think you were my only child and that I didn't do this three other times! The truth of the matter is, I love children. I especially love my own children and have been blessed and fortunate to have four of my very own.  I don't take that for granted, not for one second. People may say that children are a lot of work and they are, but, as cliché as it may sound, the rewards really are so much bigger than the work. You and your siblings bring me joy like no other.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

20 Random Facts About Me!

Keeping with the Series: 52 Things My Ositos Should Know About Thier Mami-Bear, I've finally managed to compile a list of 20 random facts I want my little ositos to know about their Mami-Bear. So, here it goes.....