Friday, January 24, 2014

10 Things I Would Tell My 17 Year-Old Self, If I Could. (An Open Letter)

There's nothing like reminiscing through old pictures and taking a trip down memory lane. Oh, the memories! That's what I experienced as I tried to complete Random Fact No. 4 of the "52 Things My Ositos Should Know About Their Mami-Bear" Series. Why seventeen? Well, I'll be thirty-four this year and half of thirty-four is seventeen which marks the half way point of my existence on earth.  So, in addition to listing 10 things I would like to tell my seventeen year-old self, I decided to pen an open letter as well. 

Many influential people such as Oprah Winfrey, Stephen King and Tyler Perry did the same. Here's what I would say, if I could...

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Tracking Your Progress in 2014

New Year. New beginnings. New possibilities. So, now that all the New Year celebrations are out of the way, how are you managing with your goals so far? Are you still on track to attaining them or are they just a distant memory by now? As for me, if I'm being totally honest, it's a little bit of both. I'm on track with certain goals and I've fallen off the proverbial bandwagon with others. So much to do, so little time, I tell you!

For this reason, I've come up with a little something to help me stay on task and track my progress in different areas of my life (not reinventing the wheel, just customizing that bad boy to fit my life).  Take a look.....

Friday, January 3, 2014

35 By 35

There's nothing like a New Year and an action list to keep you going,  right? So here's mine: 35 things I want to accomplish by the time I turn 35 (God willing). A bucket list, if you will. So, that gives me a little over a year and a half to run through this list. Will I keep you informed of how it's going? Duh, of course I will. Wish me luck!