Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Love Letter to NB: Happy 10th Birthday!

The day is almost over but I wanted to make sure I posted this letter for NB, on her 10th birthday, before the day passed me by. 
Dear Hija Mia,

Ten years ago today, Papa Dios blessed me with my very first little girl! I was so happy to have you in my life. You were special from the very start and I can’t believe that 10 years has passed us by so fast.  In those 10 years, I’ve seen you grow from a cute little baby into a beautiful, smart young girl. You never cease to amaze me either. You love to read, you love to write, you love to clean, and you love to be creative! You are a smaller version of me multiplied by 10 and I hope those qualities in you never change.

As I reflect on our past, I can't help but get excited and look forward to all the Mami and Daughter bonding moments that still await us. I can only pray that God blesses us with life so that we can continue to make more beautiful memories together. You are such a big help with your little sister and I love seeing you take care of her. As for your older brother, I pray that you learn to be a little nicer to him and not take his playful behavior so serious. I know he gets on your nerves sometimes but know that, when it really matters, he is your friend and not your enemy. Be a good role model for your younger brother and sister, too.  Your approval and guidance means the world to them.

Today, on your 10th birthday, I want you to know that I love you from the bottom of my heart and always will no matter what. I want you to know that you are a very important part of this family and your voice and opinion matter. I know I may yell at you often and their will be times when we will get on each other’s nerves but know that your Mami wants nothing but the best for you, always. I am your best friend and biggest fan. You can always count on me to cry with you and cheer for you in all that you do. Dream big mamita and shoot for the stars.  I can’t wait to see you change the world, mi osito!

You are a star so shine bright, my love!

Te quiero mucho,

Your Mami Bear

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